Roslindale Green & Clean will hold its annual plant sale on Saturday, June 15, from 10am-1pm at the homes of two of their members – 53 Prospect Avenue (sun loving plants) and 5 Sheldon Street (shade loving plants) – just 3 houses apart. We’ll be selling plants from our members’ plant divisions, mostly perennials with some edibles, trees, and shrubs. If you are dividing plants this spring and have some to share, consider potting them up and labeling them for us to sell. The proceeds of the sale fund Green & Clean’s mission to plant and maintain public green spaces in Roslindale Village. Questions? Email
You, Me, and Climate Change
To celebrate Roslindale Green & Clean’s 20th year, join us for a talk about climate change and how it affects us and our gardens. Trevor Smith, Design and Education Manager at Weston Nurseries in Massachusetts, who holds several landscape certifications and is a past president and a current Trustee of the Ecological Landscape Alliance, will provide us with suggestions for coping with the weather changes we are now seeing. Trevor is an award-winning regenerative landscape designer, specializing in green infrastructure, native plant design, habitat creation, and implementation of ecological design principles.
Thursday, April 25, 2024, 6:00 to 8:00 pm, Roslindale Branch of the Boston Public Library, 4246 Washington Street, Roslindale.
Space is limited. Please register at Eventbrite

2023 Roslindale Garden Tour
Roslindale Green & Clean is proud to host the 2023 Roslindale Garden Tour, Garden Oasis, on Saturday, June 24, 2023 from 11am to 4pm. This year’s tour is dedicated to the memory of Robert O’Hara, a friend of Roslindale Green & Clean and an avid Roslindale gardener. Featured will be eight private ornamental gardens reflecting a range of design styles. Come join other garden lovers to appreciate the creative efforts of the gardeners, some with challenging sites, which will give you inspiration for your own green pursuits.
Tickets can be purchased online through Paypal at starting in mid May, and in person at Joanne Rossman–Purveyor of the Unnecessary & the Irresistible, 6 Birch St. in Roslindale. They will also be available at the RG&C Roslindale Farmers Market booth on June 17 and 24 (9am-1:30pm). Tickets are $15 before June 15th and $20 from June 15th to the 24th. Children 16 and under enter free with a paying adult.
Please take your receipt for the ticket purchase to the Roslindale Green & Clean booth that will be at the Birch Street location of the Farmers Market on tour day, June 24 starting at 9 AM, to exchange it for the actual ticket which doubles as an informational program and map to the gardens.
Thanks to our primary sponsor:
And to these contributors:
Christie Dustman & Company, Inc.
Birch St. House & Garden
Centre Cuts Salon
Joanne Rossman
The Square Root
Boston Building Resources
Roslindale Open Studios
Tobin and Tobin
With substantial help from volunteer Boston University students, using bark mulch provided by the City of Boston, Roslindale Green & Clean applied a layer of mulch to Adams Park, Taft Hill Green Space, Savage Mini-Park, and other areas in Roslindale Village on Friday, September 2.
What a wonderful start to the Labor Day weekend! Thanks to all who helped us enter the fall season by creating more visually pleasing spaces as well as suppressing weeds and retaining moisture with a layer of organic material.

2022 Plant Sale
Roslindale Green & Clean would like to thank you for supporting us through our annual plant sale. We made over $2,000, which was an all-time record for us. Special thanks to all our friends who donated wonderful plant material for us to sell. We couldn’t do it without you!
2019 Roslindale Garden Tour A Great Success
RG&C’s 2019 Garden Tour was a tremendous success – our most successful garden tour to date.
Thanks to the garden owners who were willing to share their gardens with all of us, the volunteers who made the tour possible through their hard work, the sponsors who supported the tour, and, without any question, the many, many people who took advantage of great weather and beautiful gardens and went on the tour.
It was a privilege to be welcomed into the private backyard spaces on the tour, spaces we likely would never see without such an event.
Thank you all for your efforts on behalf of Roslindale Green & Clean.
We couldn’t have done it without you.
And thanks again to these sponsors:
Gold Oak Sponsor:
Linda Burnett, Realtor® / Insight Realty Group
Copper Beech Sponsor:
Christie Dustman & Company, Inc.
Joanne Rossman: Purveyor of the Unnecessary & the Irresistible
Birch Street House & Garden
Centre Cuts Salon & Spa
and our other generous sponsors:
Cheryl Crawford
Green T Coffee Shop
Roche Brothers
Roslindale Ace Hardware
Sacred Heart Parish
West on Centre.

Linda Burnett – 2019 Roslindale Garden Tour Sponsor
RG&C is delighted to announce that our 2019 Roslindale Garden Tour has its first sponsor – Linda Burnett.
Linda is a Realtor® with 30 years experience in the the Roslindale, West Roxbury, and Jamaica Plain markets.
She is a long-time Roslindale resident active in and supporting many community organizations.
Linda is easy to get in touch with through her web site or by phone (617-335-2824) or email or on her Facebook page as you can see at her contact page at
Thank you, Linda, for your continuing support for Roslindale Green & Clean.
2019 Roslindale Garden Tour
With our 2018 gardening efforts finishing up, we’ve started work on our major 2019 effort – a new Roslindale Garden Tour.
The 2019 tour will take place on Saturday, June 22, 2019. It will feature six exceptional gardens in several neighborhoods of Roslindale.
We need volunteers to help with the tour, with tasks ranging from helping with winter/spring publicity, selling tickets at the Farmer’s Market in the weeks before the tour, and to working on Tour day to take tickets at the Tour gardens.
If you’re interested in helping us make the Tour a success, please write to us at rgc.gardentour@gmailcom.
Gardening in the Square – Season’s End – Sunday, November 4, 2018 from 10:00 AM to Noon at Adams Park and Alexander the Great Park
As our 2018 planting season winds down, we’ll be planting bulbs at both Adams Park and Alexander the Great Park. Join us at Adams Park on Sunday, November 4, 2018 at 10:00 am for this final bit of gardening.
Anyone who can knows, or can figure out, how to dig a hole with a trowel, drop a bulb in the hole, and then cover the hole back over can help with this work so feel free to join us.
CANCELLED (ON ACCOUNT OF EXPECTED FOUL WEATHER) – Gardening in the Square – Tuesday, September 25, 2018, 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Savage Mini-Park and Environs
We’re still working on the end-of-summer garden chores necessary to the healthy overwintering of our green spaces. On Tuesday, September 25, 2018 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm, we’ll do weeding and deadheading at Savage Mini-park and on the slope of the Roslindale Village Commuter Rail Station facing Belgrade Avenue.
We welcome anyone who wants to lend a hand in grooming these spaces for the winter.