Congratulations to Roslindale Winners in Mayor’s 2015 Garden Contest

While Roslindale Green & Clean works on keeping public green spaces in Roslindale attractive, Roslindale residents are making and keeping their own properties attractive.

Residents from our community won seven awards for their gardens (gardens in bold were on the Roslindale Green & Clean 2015 Garden Tour) in the Mayor’s 2015 Garden Contest which invited gardeners across the city to enter:

Shade Garden
First Place: Ngaio Schiff, Roslindale
Second Place: Cheryl Crawford, Roslindale

Small Yard Garden
Third Place: Katherine Stevenson, Roslindale

Medium Yard Garden
First Place: Kenneth Aubert, Roslindale

Large Yard Garden
First Place: Joyce and Richard Chalfin, Roslindale
Third Place: Sandra Kautz, Roslindale

Vegetable or Herb Garden
First Place: Aspasia Bakolas, Roslindale.

Our congratulations to everyone across the city who received recognition in this annual contest and to everyone who submitted their garden to the contest. You don’t have to receive an award to know how much you enjoy your own garden.